
Monday, May 18, 2020

Snakes and Moths

This picture was taken AFTER the swarm has be scared by the door closing. There are moths everywhere right now and they seem to squirt some sort of defensive fluid. I think it has some sort of allergen properties. They are cutworm or miller moths. Bumper year, it seems.

This is a different sort of moth, it has friges, presumably to make the wing flapping quieter?

A work friend brought these bugs in to identify. A swarm of some sort has settled in her house. It seems the moths are not the only ones around.

There is a huge variety of bugs around right now in the hot dry heat. Most are only pretty if you take the time to get up close to photograph them.

There were many snakes down by the ditch. We did go during the heat of the day and I wonder if that explains why we saw only coachwhips, which like the high heat. This danger noodle was pretty...asertive and was buzzing his tail, even though he had no rattles. he slipped into a nearby burrow.

Woodhouse toads are everywhere. along with their tadpoles. Weirdly, these guys are poor swimmers, they can even drown if they are forced into fast moving water for long periods.

This red racer dashed into the upper bushes and pretended to be a twig when we spotted spotted him. Except for the fact he was bright red, he would have been convincing

The quarantine has given me little to photograph, so I have been making do with resting insects. They are beautiful, if you can get them to hold still

There is an awesome amount of fur on this critter. The antennae are pretty cool as well

My family and I were tracking a muskrat in the evening dog walk and were sure the eye shine from this frog was it. Fooled by amphibians. The small ear behind the eyes show it is a female, a large one.

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