
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Drumming up business

I'm noticing the cottonwood seedling seem to like a good soaking in hot sun, they are beginning to sprout and I hope I can raise some here. I think constant moisture is the key. The Elm seeds seem to prefer a bit of shade, but they are definitely the faster growers, already putting out their real leaves.

the midges are making a reappearance as the temperature rises again after the cold snap we just had. I'm seeing the ants coming out as well.

There hasn't bee a lot of crayfish around, just a couple in the ditch. There are plenty of burrows just above the water line, but I suspect they need to be above water a while before the great crayfish migration.
This is a small bird poop. The interesting thing is the blue stain, likely from the mulberry tree in the next lot. The small bird, likely a nuthatch, probably unloaded to make a quicker takeoff. This is a common practice for birds the don't need to be carrying extra weight on takeoff. The white stuff is a type of urine that many animals make. It has no water in it.

It's easy to see hummingbirds fighting over who "owns" the feeder, but I watched three woodpeckers fight over who owns a telegraph pole. There are 8 poles in a small area, but the one by my house seems the most sought after. I have seen them sit at the top to broadcast their drumming sounds. I guess a long stick cemented into the ground gives good resonance,. It I hadn't realized how much work went into securing the best site.

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