
Thursday, May 14, 2020

quarantine travels

The UNM Duck pond is a truly fascinating place. The animals and also the people are amazing to watch. However, apart from that brief sojourn out to return some coursebooks, I have not left the house much. Both because of the pandemic, but also final exams.
I have seen a few woodhouse toads about, but this guy was more active during the day. If we don't get rain soon, I'm kind of wondering where they will lay eggs...

This is a picture a friend sent of a yellow legged hornet. Kind of looks like a giant japanese hornet (aka Murder hornet) if you squint into the sun, while drunk, and possibly standing on your head...

This guy was at the duck pond on UNM campus, there were 4 that we counted basking in the sun. I know there is also at least one snapping turtle, but they don't bask as much. He is a spiny soft-shell, and they are actually very un-turtle like. I think pancake turtle suits them better

 Because of all this stay-at-home quarantining, I have been taking a lot of pictures of insects resting on the house walls. This little jumping spider is pretty colorful. Not as cool as some of his other species (I particularly like the ones I christened the "glittery fanged spider"

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