
Thursday, May 7, 2020

It's all about the birds

This likely rufous hummingbird was likely worn out and died of a mild disease. The rate these guys do things I'm kind of impressed there aren't more of their carcasses out there. There have been more vultures around, but these guys wouldn't make much of a meal...

As a diversion, my son and I were up in the mountains and the top of Sandias STILL has snow in the shadows with plenty of run-off. Kind of weird to realize the temp in the Bosque is in the 80's during the day...

This runn off from snow melt probably explains why there are deer browsing the fresh grass along the road verges on the way to the summit. I also noticed the aspens have only just begun leafing out near the crest, while the trees in the bosque are getting ready to soon as it rains again...

A big, bold, jumping spider. This one has green and gold glitter fangs!

The full moon last night brought out a lot of moths, still not seeing many bats yet. 

Some of these carpenter ants are literally giants, they only come out to forage on walls after the sun has set, not sure what they are looking for, but their presence upsets the beetles in the area.

this egg clearly shows the pecking ring that a new chick made using a tooth on the end of it's beak. There was no tracks in the dust around it, so the shell was dropped by a bird, could have been the parents doing some housekeeping to keep predators from getting interested.

There are vultures in the bosque, but I don't think this circling guy is one of them, a birding expert will no doubt have identified it on Inaturalist by the time I finish this blog.

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