
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Frog days of summer

The hot, dry temperatures in the mid rio grande valley were really evident while the MRGCD continues to grade the Lateral ditch banks. Is is surprising we don't see more forest fire damage around. Here, the dust is being dampened down by a pumper truck in preparation for the bulldozer to make another run, compacting the bank sides again. They have done a good job building the banks back up, pity the area now looks like a construction site.
In the scuzzy ditch, the bullfrogs are enjoying the  safety of all the leaves and debris in the muddy water. The range of frog sizes has increased, with many new young male frogs about. This tells me mating season is almost here. With this amount of space, it is rare for fights to break out, the big males mostly just push the young nimble interlopers out of their territories.

There was a small Coopers hawk hiding out in a tree and wouldn't let me get a clear picture. I thought it was acting strangely shy, maybe a nest? It was in an area where there are many chickens and rabbits, but that is not usual prey for these bird specialists. After I gave up trying, I saw in the next tree an oblivious dove enjoying the sun's rays, the perfect prey for Coopers. I guess I interrupted a meal in progress.

I am very excited about a woodhouse toad calling from a flooded field for the last few days. It is never there during the day, however.  Instead, I saw this barn swallow collecting beakfuls of mud to begin the long process of building a clay nest in a nearby barn.

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