
Wednesday, April 8, 2020


As the nights and days warm up, the endless parade on changing critters continues.
I tried to get some good pictures of the damselflies, and dragonflies that have started arriving in the ditch, but they are not co-operative. Meanwhile I got this awesome picture of a hornet. He was pretty feisty but perfectly safe in this little bug-catcher I would from a school supply store in town. He is awesome to look at up close and I have great respect for his hunting abilities. There were several buzzing around our house, probably planning to start a paper wasp colony

As the days get hotter, the frogs are more likely to hold still and pose for a good picture. I love the smile on the face of the guy on the right. The one on the left is a good example of the variety of colors and patterns bullfrogs can show. She looks to have polka-dots.

Not sure what happened to this poor guy. I suspect he was too slow in the early morning and got stepped on, but the skull looks pretty crushed. There is a sudden increase in the small blue whiptails, they would never be caught napping like this...

The longer days seems to bring out the rabbits which like the small grass shoots early in the mornings.

Hopefully i can find out what this noisy guy was. Kind of reminded me of  aredwinged blackbird, but probably just some like of starling or something....

This is an example of "wet rot" a fungal infection of cottonwoods. In the summer bees like to collect around this moisture. I've seen a similiar process on some elms, but have no idea if it's the same thing...

I was thrilled I was able to get a quick picture of this bird, Those darn feather brains are so hard to get on camera; they never hold still.

There doesn't appear to be much variety of spiders right now, but the season is still pretty young. Of course, I still have a lot of learning to do. The pro's tell me a lot of spiders need a magnifying glass to examine genitalia to tell species apart. I don't think I'm ready to take my game to that level yet...

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