
Tuesday, September 8, 2020


how acequias start in a ranch on the Sangre de Christo mountains. A scratch along the contour of a hill is used to irrigate a meadow for grazing. The acequias in Corrales probably started the same way.
on the Vallejos ranch near Mora I had a blast looking for, and photographing leopard frogs, one of my enduring passions. They supposedly live in Corrales too, but I have never seen one. They thrive best in clear, clean water's with few predators.
the sunset was very red due to heavy smoke drifting down from Colorado wildfires.There are beaver in the Rio Grande river, but this far down they prefer to dig holes in the banks. Up in Coyote Creek campground near Mora they still build the traditional stick structures. Beaver dams are traditionally a problem for river management, although many of them form meadows and habitat for many types of animals.The high winds have put a lot of debris into the ditch, which someone will have to clean out eventually. These tumbleweeds actually came to America from Russia and use the wind to dispense the seeds.this Russian olive is now blocking a public access. Olive trees don't usually get blown over, but there seems to have been a lot lately.

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