
Thursday, September 3, 2020


Disasters are a fact of living. Of course, the type of disaster that occurs depends on where you live. Luckily, they are also kind of predictable. Cottonwood trees will shed branches in dry weather. Branches will land on fences. Fences need mending. Still, its insult to injury to then pay to remove the other branches.
there had been many people talking about woodpeckers drinking nectar. This dude was more interested in pecking into the plastic. I'm pretty sure he was actually looking for bugs. I wondered why there were no hummingbirds harassing him.there seem to be lots of asters around right now. I did not know daisies like these are a type of aster. Kind of obvious now looking at them.
Cold weather controls a lot of animal behaviours, also plants; the snotweed that normally floats in a pond sank to the bottom when the temp dropped. Not sure what the mechanism is, but is strange.a lot of the large insects are getting sluggish in the mornings, probably explains all the birds excitement in the early mornings now.